When purchasing a home hospital bed for yourself or a loved one, you will likely be given the option of a full-electric or semi-electric option. both styles of Hospital beds need to be plugged into an electric outlet and come with a remote.This article clearly defines the differences between these two common styles of home care bed.
What Is A Full-Electric Hospital Bed?
The Full-Electric Home Hospital Bed has 3 primary functions:
Raise and Lower Head End (Electric)(remote use)
Raise and Lower Foot End At Knee Area (Electric)(remote use)
Raise and Lower Entire Bed Platform (Electric)(remote use)(the bed frame moves up and down)
The convenience of a Full-Electric Bed is ideal but it also adds to the cost so may not be the right choice if not all functions need to be electric.
What Is A Semi-Electric Hospital Bed?
The Semi-Electric Home Hospital Bed also has 3 primary functions, but one is manually adjustable rather than electric:
Raise and Lower Head End (Electric)(remote use)
Raise and Lower Foot End At Knee Area (Electric)(remote use)
Raise and Lower Entire Bed Platform (Manual Crank)
Semi-Electric Home care beds still offer the convenience of a pendant control to operate both the head and foot adjustments of the bed but the bed platform height must be adjusted by hand crank. If the overall bed height does not need to be frequently adjusted, this option will offer some savings for the buyer.
If you have any questions regarding Hospital Beds or any other product you may be interested in, please contact us at : Hope Home Medical (918)-967-2800 or click the link for our website hopehms.com .
Hope Home Medical is A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business.
Reminder always consult with your physician or health care provider